My name is Stephen K. from California and I was a victim of identity theft…

My first response when I first found out that I had been a victim of identity theft was, “of course it happened to me.” Ultimately, I know everyone will deal with this eventually.
I was not too worried because I knew I had the team at LibertyID to help. My restoration was quickly completed by my LibertyID advocate. But now that I have been a victim of identity theft, I know that I am now more likely to have it happen again. If or when that happens, I will be calling on my advocate to quickly handle the identity theft restoration again.
I have recommended LibertyID’s identity restoration services to my clients, friends and family. Basically, I have said “don’t be dumb” having LibertyID’s service is a no brainer.
*To protect the identity and anonymity of the victim we use stock images and first names only, but these are real stories from real LibertyID clients.